
5G App Showcase

Clients: Verizon, App Partners
Roles: Engineering Manager, Lead Developer
Tags: 5G, Apps
Year: 2020


An immersive content experience which explores how mobile apps benefit from Verizon's 5G Ultra Wideband network.

Enter able, a purpose-driven brand powered by a utility platform.

The 5G App Showcase served as a primary destination for educating users on the power of the Verizon 5G network. We leveraged Verizon's app partnerships as a conduit for helping users understand the network's features.

This page was constructed using several React apps working in concert to form a cohesive and lively user experience. We focused heavily on animations and video content to draw in the user and keep them engaged.

The sheer quantity of high-res video content on the page proved a unique challenge from a performance and optimization standpoint. To ensure the user's browser remained stable and smooth we built a custom video management library to dynamically load and unload resources from memory depending on the user's point in the journey.

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@ 2023 Wade Wojcak

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@ 2023 Wade Wojcak

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any information from its users, nor does it use any

analytics or advertising tools.

@ 2023 Wade Wojcak

This website does not collect, store, transmit, or sell any information from its users,

nor does it use any analytics or advertising tools.